A new resource for fire-affected communities

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This month Renew launched the Green Rebuild Toolkit, a set of online resources, articles, and information to assist fire-affected communities to plan for, retrofit and rebuild their homes to suit our changing climate.

A response to the devastating fires of 2019/2020, the toolkit includes step-by-step advice on where to start when planning a resilient rebuild, expert articles and resources, advice videos, and case studies of resilient homes and rebuilds. From BAL ratings to fire resistant building materials, the Toolkit provides important information for those navigating the daunting task of rebuilding.

As publishers of both Renew and Sanctuary magazine, Renew draws on over forty years of experience in this sector as well as an extensive network of technical experts, architects and designers.

As part of the Toolkit Renew is delivering a FREE webinar series that will feature experts in the field speaking alongside homeowners who have already rebuilt after fire.

Jenny is presenting in webinar #1 Rebuild first steps on 1 June. You can book your ticket here.

There will also be the opportunity for people to connect with architects, designers, and bushfire safety experts in a series of tailored Speed Date a Sustainability Expert events, and free one-on-one consults for those needing further advice.

Bookings into these sessions can be made on the Green Rebuild Toolkit website.